Where we work



Armenia is a Christian nation, and former Soviet republic, in the mountainous Caucasus region between Asia and Europe.

There are many troubled children in Armenia who have fled the war in Syria, whilst others have suffered recent loss and trauma in the tragic conflict with Azerbaijan in the disputed territory of Ngorno Karabach. This small country has become a safe haven for Christian refugees, many of Armenian descent - a big burden for a people with limited resources.

Our work

We formed a partnership with Children’s Center Foundation in Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia. Here we trained 26 psychologists and social workers to be CATT practitioners in November 2019. We planned to return in 2020 to run a second course plus a training of trainers (ToT) course, but Covid and the conflict with Azerbaijan intervened. However, we conducted a research project in 2020 with those who received the 2019 training, and they are keen for us to run the training again in 2021 for people working with children across the country.  

