More CATT counsellors trained in Uganda

We have just returned from an excellent trip to Uganda, where Clinical Trustee Toria Burch worked with senior trainers Elias and James to deliver CATT training as part of the CAMHS Diploma at the psychiatric clinical officers’ training school, linked to Butabika National Referral Hospital in Kampala. The rest of the team met and updated many of our colleagues and friends who are treating traumatised children successfully all over the country, in community clinics and refugee settlements.  It was so encouraging to hear about CATT being used effectively to help children overcome PTSD symptoms, and to receive more requests for training and support.  Since then another CATT course has been held in Lira, by trainers Elias, Sister Florence and Paul. So already in 2024 we have trained 40 new counsellors! Now we are planning our programme for 2024-25, and with so much need across the world we have our work cut out to fundraise and train as many people as we can in the rest of the year!


CATT training for Northwest Syria


Mohammed and the Gaza Child Mental Health Clinic